DEAnalysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis, Total:362 items.
In the international standard classification, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis involves: Coals, Water quality, Graphical symbols, Education, Crude petroleum, Textile fibres, Fuels, Analytical chemistry, Quality, Particle size analysis. Sieving, Products of the textile industry, Welding, brazing and soldering, Non-ferrous metals, Products of the chemical industry, Ferrous metals, Laboratory medicine, Testing of metals, Aircraft and space vehicles in general, Construction materials, Protection against crime, Space systems and operations, Nuclear energy engineering, Freight distribution of goods, Pulps, Materials for the reinforcement of composites, Plastics, Farming and forestry, Conducting materials, Corrosion of metals, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Insulating fluids, Soil quality. Pedology, Beverages, Ceramics, Petroleum products in general.
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- GB/T 31391-2015 Ultimate analysis of coal
- GB/T 476-2001 Ultimate analysis of coal
- GB/T 19143-2003 Analytical method of element for Carbon,Hydrogen and Oxygen in rock organics
- GB/T 32055-2015 Microbeam analysis.Electron probe microanalysis.Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelengthdispersive spectroscopy
- GB 15445-1995 Graphical representation of particle size analysis results
- GB/T 15445-1995 Graphical representation of results of particle size analysis
- GB/T 17359-2023 Microbeam analysis of elements with atomic number not less than 11 and energy spectrometry for quantitative analysis
- GB/T 15445.1-2008 Representation of results of particle size analysis.Part 1:Graphical representation
- GB/T 32454-2015 Flight evaluation of launch vehicle
- GB/T 42462-2023 Guidelines for Confirmation of Chromatographic Analysis Results of Cosmetics
- GB/T 15445.4-2006 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 4: Characterization of a classification process
- GB/T 15445.5-2011 Representation of results of particle size analysis.Part 5:Methods of calculations relating to particle size analyses using logarithmic normal probability distribution
- GB/T 29732-2013 Surface chemical analysis.Medium resolution Auger electron spectrometers.Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- GB/T 4298-1984 The activation analysis method for the determination of elemental impurities in semiconductor silicon materials
- GB/Z 27426-2022 Guidance on monitoring validity of the results for chemical analysis laboratory
GSO, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- OS GSO ISO 17247:2013 Coal - Ultimate analysis
- OS GSO ISO 12787:2013 Cosmetics -- Analytical methods -- Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- BH GSO ISO 12787:2016 Cosmetics -- Analytical methods -- Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- GSO ISO 12787:2013 Cosmetics -- Analytical methods -- Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- GSO ISO 11938:2015 Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- GSO ISO 24639:2024 Microbeam analysis — Analytical electron microscopy — Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- OS GSO ISO 11938:2015 Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- BH GSO ISO 9276-1:2016 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 1: Graphical representation
- OS GSO ISO 13424:2015 Surface chemical analysis -- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy -- Reporting of results of thin-film analysis
- GSO ISO 13424:2015 Surface chemical analysis -- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy -- Reporting of results of thin-film analysis
- OS GSO ISO 9276-1:2013 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 1: Graphical representation
- BH GSO ISO 11938:2017 Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- GSO ISO 17973:2013 Surface chemical analysis -- Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers -- Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- BH GSO ISO 17973:2016 Surface chemical analysis -- Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers -- Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- OS GSO ISO 17973:2013 Surface chemical analysis -- Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers -- Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- BH GSO ISO 13424:2017 Surface chemical analysis -- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy -- Reporting of results of thin-film analysis
- BH GSO ISO 9276-4:2016 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 4: Characterization of a classification process
- GSO ISO 9276-1:2013 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 1: Graphical representation
- GSO ISO 9276-4:2013 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 4: Characterization of a classification process
- GSO ISO 6306:2021 Chemical analysis of steel — Order of listing elements in steel standards
- OS GSO ISO 17974:2014 Surface chemical analysis -- High-resolution Auger electron spectrometers -- Calibration of energy scales for elemental and chemical-state analysis
- BH GSO ISO 17974:2016 Surface chemical analysis -- High-resolution Auger electron spectrometers -- Calibration of energy scales for elemental and chemical-state analysis
- OS GSO ISO 9276-5:2008 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 5: Methods of calculation relating to particle size analyses using logarithmic normal probability distribution
AT-ON, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- ONORM M 6247-2001 Water analysis - Expression of results in waste waste water analysis
- ONORM M 6246-1996 Water analysis - Expression of results in drinking water analysis
- ONORM S 7001-1983 Testing of leather; volume of Chemical analysis and presenta- tion of results
- ONORM L 1094-3-2001 Chemical analyses of soils - Extraction of trace elements with a solution of lithium chloride
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- ASTM D5738-95(2006) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsDiagrams for Single Analyses
- ASTM D5738-95(2000) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Diagrams for Single Analyses
- ASTM D5877-95(2000) Standard Guide for Displaying Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Diagrams Based on Data Analytical Calculations
- ASTM D5754-95(2000) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Trilinear Diagrams for Two or More Analyses
- ASTM D3176-89(2002) Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke
- ASTM D5877-95(2005) Standard Guide for Displaying Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsDiagrams Based on Data Analytical Calculations
- ASTM D5754-95(2006) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsTrilinear Diagrams for Two or More Analyses
- ASTM D8056-24 Standard Guide for Elemental Analysis of Crude Oil
- ASTM D596-01 Standard Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water
- ASTM D596-91(1995) Standard Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water
- ASTM D596-01(2011) Standard Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water
- ASTM D8056-16 Standard Guide for Elemental Analysis of Crude Oil
- ASTM D596-01(2006) Standard Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water
- ASTM D8056-18 Standard Guide for Elemental Analysis of Crude Oil
- ASTM D6036-96(2014) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace Elements—Use of Maps
- ASTM D6036-96(2002) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements8212;Use of Maps
- ASTM D6036-96(2008) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elementsx2014;Use of Maps
- ASTM D6036-96e1 Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analysis of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Use of Maps
- ASTM D596-01(2018) Standard Guide for Reporting Results of Analysis of Water
- ASTM D3327-79e1 Method for Analysis of Selected Elements in Waterborne Oils
- ASTM UOP961-98 Elemental Composition of Zeolites by ICP-AES
- ASTM E1950-10 Standard Practice for Reporting Results from Methods of Chemical Analysis
- ASTM UOP961-12 Elemental Composition of Zeolites by ICP-OES
- ASTM D3176-09 Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke
- ASTM E1950-17 Standard Practice for Reporting Results from Methods of Chemical Analysis
- ASTM E1950-98 Standard Practice for Reporting Results from Methods of Chemical Analysis
- ASTM D3176-24 Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke
- ASTM D3176-15 Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke
- ASTM D6956-17 Standard Guide for Demonstrating and Assessing Whether a Chemical Analytical Measurement System Provides Analytical Results Consistent with Their Intended Use
- ASTM D7372-21 Standard Guide for Analysis and Interpretation of Proficiency Test Program Results
- ASTM E853-87(1995)e1 Standard Practice for Analysis and Interpretation of Light-Water Reactor Surveillance Results, E706(IA)
- ASTM RR-D02-1858 2017 D8110-Test Method For Elemental analysis of distillate fuels by ICP-MS
- ASTM D6543-14 Standard Guide to the Evaluation of Measurements Made by Online Coal Analyzers
- ASTM D6543-20e1 Standard Guide to the Evaluation of Measurements Made by Online Coal Analyzers
- ASTM D933-84(1999) Standard Practice for Reporting Results of Examination and Analysis of Water-Formed Deposits
- ASTM D933-84(2007) Standard Practice for Reporting Results of Examination and Analysis of Water-Formed Deposits
- ASTM D6956-03 Standard Guide for Demonstrating and Assessing Whether a Chemical Analytical Measurement System Provides Analytical Results Consistent with Their Intended Use
- ASTM E853-01 Standard Practice for Analysis and Interpretation of Light-Water Reactor Surveillance Results, E706(IA)
Professional Standard - Education, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
RO-ASRO, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- STAS 398-1992 Solid fues. Symbole relating to the analytical characteristics and factors for the recalculation of analysis results
- STAS 12689-1988 Analysis techniques for system reliability PROCEDURE FOR FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS
- STAS 10274/2-1983 Solid fuck ASH ANALYSIS Quantitative spectral analysis of minor, rare and dispersed elements
- STAS ISO 3406:1992 Tobacco and tobacco products. Expression of analytical test results
- STAS 9163/16-1973 SILICA-ALUMINA MINING PRODUCTS Spectral analysis of elements Fe, Ti, Cu, Mg, Mn, Cu
HU-MSZT, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Professional Standard - Electricity, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- DL/T 567.9-1995 Ultimate Analysis of Liquid Fuel
- DL/T 568-2013 Test methods for instrumental determination of carbon,hydrogen,and nitrogen in laboratory samples of fuel
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- ISO/DIS 5533 Textiles — Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element — Elemental analyser method
- ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- ISO 17247:2020 Coal and coke — Ultimate analysis
- ISO 17247:2005/Cor 1:2006 Coal - Ultimate analysis; Technical Corrigendum 1
- ISO/TR 6306:1989 Chemical analysis of steel; order of listing elements
- ISO/FDIS 5533:2023 Textiles — Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element — Elemental analyser method
- ISO 5533:2023 Textiles — Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element — Elemental analyser method
- ISO 12787:2011 Cosmetics - Analytical methods - Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- ISO 13424:2013 Surface chemical analysis — X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy — Reporting of results of thin-film analysis
- ISO 1170:1977 Coal and coke; Calculation of analyses to different bases
- ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- ISO 9276-1:1998 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 1: Graphical representation
- ISO/TR 7242:1981 Chemical analysis of light metals and their alloys; Statistical interpretation of inter-laboratory trials
- ISO/DIS 17973:2023 Surface chemical analysis — Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers — Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- ISO 9276-4:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 4: Characterization of a classification process
- ISO 3406:1975 Tobacco and tobacco products; Expression of analytical test results
- ISO/CD 17973 Surface chemical analysis — Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers — Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- ISO 9276-1:1990 Representation of results of particle size analysis; part 1: graphical representation
- ISO 6306:2020 Chemical analysis of steel - Order of listing elements in steel standards
- ISO 6306:2019 Chemical analysis of steel — Order of listing elements in steel standards
- ISO 17973:2002 Surface chemical analysis - Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- ISO 17973:2016 Surface chemical analysis - Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- ISO 24639:2022 Microbeam analysis — Analytical electron microscopy — Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- ISO 13878:1998 Soil quality - Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion ("elemental analysis")
- ISO 9276-5:2005 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 5: Methods of calculation relating to particle size analyses using logarithmic normal probability distribution
South African Bureau of Standard, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- SANS 17247:2006 Coal - Ultimate analysis
- SANS 406:2006 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Determination of trace elements - Guide to the determination of trace elements
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- AS 1038.7:1981 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Ultimate analysis of coke
- AS 1038.16:2005(R2016) Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Assessment and reporting of results
- AS 1038.16:2005 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Assessment and reporting of results
- AS 4932.1:2001/Amdt 1:2019 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Graphical representation
- AS 4932.1:2001(R2019) Representation of results of particle size analysis - Graphical representation
- AS K152.6:1965 Methods for the analysis and testing of coal and coke, Part 6: Ultimate analysis of coal
- AS 4932.1:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Graphical representation
- AS K152.7:1965 Methods for the analysis and testing of coal and coke, Part 7: Ultimate analysis of coke
- AS 1038.6.2:1986 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing, Part 6.2: Ultimate analysis of higher rank coal - Determination of nitrogen
- AS 1038.6:1971 Methods for the analysis and testing of coal and coke, Part 6: Ultimate analysis of coal - Metric units
- AS 1038.6.4:2005 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Higher rank coal and coke - Ultimate analysis - Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen - Instrumental method
- AS 2434.6:2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower rank coal and its chars - Lower rank coal - Ultimate analysis - Classical methods
- AS 1038.6.3.3:1997(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Advanced Coal Elemental Analysis Total Sulfur Infrared Method
- AS 1038.6.1:1997(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Advanced Coal and Coke Elemental Analysis Carbon and Hydrogen
- AS 1038.6.2:1997 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing, Part 6.2: Higher rank coal and coke - Ultimate analysis - Nitrogen
- AS 1038.6.2:2007 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Higher rank coal and coke - Ultimate analysis - Nitrogen
- AS 1038.6.1:1986 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing, Part 6.1: Ultimate analysis of higher rank coal - Determination of carbon and hydrogen
- AS 1038.6.3.1:1997(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Advanced Coal and Coke Elemental Analysis Total Sulfur Eschka Method
- AS 1038.10.0:2002(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Determination of Trace Elements Guidelines for Determination of Trace Elements
- AS 1038.6.3.3:1986 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing, Part 6.3.3: Ultimate analysis of higher rank coal - Determination of total sulphur (Infrared method)
- AS 1038.16:1996 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Assessment and reporting of results
- ISO 17973:2024 Surface chemical analysis - Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- AS 2434.6.1:1986 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower rank coal and its chars, Part 6.1: Ultimate analysis of lower rank coal - Classical methods
- AS 1038.16:1986 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Acceptance and reporting of results
- AS 1038.16:1981 Methods for the analysis and testing of coal and coke, Part 16: Reporting of results
- AS K152.16:1965 Methods for the analysis and testing of coal and coke, Part 16: Reporting of results
- AS 2434.6:2002(R2013) Analysis and test methods for low-rank coal and its coke. Classic method for elemental analysis of low-rank coal.
- AS 1038.16:1975 Methods for the analysis and testing of coal and coke, Part 16: Reporting of results
- AS 1038.6.3.2:1986 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Ultimate analysis of higher rank coal, Part 6.3.2: Determination of total sulphur (High temperature combustion method)
- AS 1038.6.3.2:2003(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Advanced Coal and Coke Elemental Analysis Total Sulfur High Temperature Combustion Method
中華人民共和國國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
British Standards Institution (BSI), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- BS 1016-6:1977 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coal
- PD ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- BS ISO 9276-1:1998 Representation of results of particle size analysis. Graphical representation
- BS 1016-7:1977 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke - Ultimate analysis of coke
- BS 1016-6:1977(1999) Methods for Analysis and testing of coal and coke — Part 6 : Ultimate analysis of coal
- BS 1016-7:1977(1999) Methods for Analysis and testing of coal and coke — Part 7 : Ultimate analysis of coke
- BS ISO 5533:2023 Textiles. Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element. Elemental analyser method
- BS ISO 12787:2012 Cosmetics. Analytical methods. Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- BS ISO 12787:2011 Cosmetics. Analytical methods. Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- BS ISO 9276-4:2001+A1:2017 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Characterization of a classification process
- BS ISO 1170:2013 Coal and coke. Calculation of analyses to different bases
- BS ISO 11938:2013 Microbeam analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- BS ISO 9276-1:1998(2006) Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 1 : Graphical representation
- 22/30448285 DC BS ISO 5533. Textiles. Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element. Elemental analyser method
- BS ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- BS ISO 24639:2022 Microbeam analysis. Analytical electron microscopy. Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- BS ISO 9276-4:2002 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Characterization of a classification process
- BS 6870-3:1989(1999) Analysis of aluminium ores — Part 3 : Method for multi - element analysis by wavelength dispersive X - ray fluorescence
- BS ISO 16679:2015 Space systems. Relative motion analysis elements after LV/SC separation
- 21/30404763 DC BS ISO 24639. Microbeam analysis. Analytical electron microscopy. Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- BS ISO 17973:2016 Surface chemical analysis. Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers. Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- BS ISO 6306:2020 Chemical analysis of steel. Order of listing elements in steel standards
- BS ISO 9276-5:2005 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Methods of calculation relating to particle size analyses using logarithmic normal probability distribution
- BS 1016-106.5:1996 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Ultimate analysis of coal and coke. Determination of forms of sulfur in coal
- BS ISO 17973:2003 Surface chemical analysis - Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- BS EN 15205:2006 Determination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion protection layers - Qualitative analysis
- BS EN ISO 6306:2023 Chemical analysis of steel. Order of listing elements in steel standards
- BS ISO 17974:2002(2010) Surface chemical analysis — High - resolution Auger electron spectrometers — Calibration of energy scales for elemental and chemical - state analysis
- 23/30469291 DC BS ISO 17973. Surface chemical analysis. Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers. Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
SCC, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- BS 1016-6:1969 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Ultimate analysis of coal
- BS 1016-6:1958 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Ultimate analysis of coal
- BS PD ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- BS 1016-7:1959 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Ultimate analysis of coke
- DANSK DS/ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- BS 5202-3:1976 Methods for chemical analysis of tobacco and tobacco products-Expression of analytical results
- AWWA JAW52066 Journal AWWA — Evaluating TOC Analytical Results
- BS ISO 9276-4:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis. Characterization of a classification process
- DANSK DS/ISO 12787:2012 Cosmetics - Analytical methods - Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- 10/30201045 DC BS ISO 12787. Cosmetics. Analytical methods. Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- AWWA ACE90002 Analysis and Results of a Statewide Meter Testing Program
- AWWA SOURCES59264 Critical Components of Conservation Programs That Get Results: A National Analysis
- BS 1016-16:1961 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Reporting of results
- BS 1016-16:1974 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Reporting of results
- BS 5259:1976 Recommendations for the order of reporting elements in the analysis of steel
- BS ISO 17973:2002 Surface chemical analysis. Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers. Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- 10/30185165 DC BS ISO 11938. Microbeam analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Methods of elemental area analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- BS ISO 6306:2019 Chemical analysis of steel. Order of listing elements in steel standards
- DANSK DS/CEN/CR 13505:1999 Food analysis - Biotoxins - Criteria for analytical methods of mycotoxins
- NS-EN 12938:1999 Methods for the analysis of pewter — Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry
- AWWA JAW48125 Journal AWWA — Considerations in As Analysis and Speciation
- BS 1016-16:1981 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke-Methods for reporting results
- SN-CR 13505:1999 Food analysis — Biotoxins — Criteria of analytical methods of mycotoxins
- AWWA WQTC50453 Selection of a TOC Analyzer: Analytical Considerations A.K.A., Confessions of a TOC Analyzer Manufacturer
BE-NBN, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Danish Standards Foundation, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- DS/ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- DS/ISO 12787:2012 Cosmetics - Analytical methods - Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- DS/EN 12938:2001 Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry
- DS/EN 12938/AC:2001 Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry
- DS/CEN/CR 13505:1999 Food analysis - Biotoxins - Criteria for analytical methods of mycotoxins
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- T/CNTAC 70-2020 Quantitative detection for graphene materials in fibers - Elemental analysis method
- T/CITS 143-2024 Requirements for blood cell analysis report
- T/HNNMIA 63-2023 Chemical analysis methods of amidoxime resins-Determination of nitrogen content-Elemental analysis
- T/CCAS 011-2019 On-line elemental analyzer for cement based on neutron activation analysis
- T/CCIASD 10005-2023 Guide for finite element analysis of container structures
- T/CCIA 0022-2024 Daily-use porcelain that can precipitate selenium
- T/SCS 000022-2024 Molybdenum alloys – Analysis of trace elements – Glow discharge mass spectrometry method
National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- JJF 1321-2011 Calibration Specification for Elemental Analyzers
- JJF 1054-1996 Evaluation Specification for Analysis Result of Inorganic Composition in Serum
IX-FAO, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- KS E 3098-2004 Method for determination of rare earths in ores
- KS M ISO 12787-2014(2019) Cosmetics — Analytical methods — Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- KS M ISO 12787:2014 Cosmetics — Analytical methods — Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- KS M ISO 12787-2019 Cosmetics — Analytical methods — Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- KS B 0545-2016 Methods for chemical analysis of elements in welding fumes
- KS B 0545-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of elements in welding fumes
- KS D ISO 2355:2002 Magnesium and its alloys-Determination of rare earths-Gravimetric method
- KS A ISO 9276-1-2019 Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 1: Graphical representation
- KS A ISO 9276-1:2003 Representation of results of particle size analysis-Part 1:Graphical representation
- KS A ISO 9276-1-2014(2019) Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 1: Graphical representation
- KS D ISO 7242:2006 Chemical analysis of light metals and their alloys-Statistical interpretation of inter-laboratory trials
- KS D ISO 17973-2021 Surface chemical analysis-Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- KS A ISO 9276-1:2014 Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 1: Graphical representation
- KS D ISO 17973-2011(2021) Surface chemical analysis-Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- KS D ISO 17973-2011(2016) Surface chemical analysis-Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- KS D ISO 17973:2011 Surface chemical analysis-Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- KS D ISO 17974-2021 Surface chemical analysis-High-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental and chemical-state analysis
- KS D 1701-2004 Determination of trace impurities in high purity gold-Matrix extraction method by heating
- KS I ISO 13878:2009 Soil quality-Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion(“elemental analysis”)
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- NF A06-001:1979 Analysis of light metals by spectrography. Processing of test results. Statistical interpretation.
- NF T75-612*NF ISO 12787:2012 Cosmetics - Analytical methods - Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- NF ISO 12787:2012 Cosmetics - Analytical methods - Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- NF U42-160:2016 Fertilizing materials and culture media - Microbiological analyzes - Sampling and reading grid of results
- NF ISO 22309:2012 Microbeam Analysis – Quantitative elemental analysis by energy selective spectrometry (EDS) of elements having an atomic number of 11 (Na) or greater
- NF X11-632-1*NF ISO 9276-1:1998 Representation of results of particle size analysis. Part 1 : graphical representation.
- NF ISO 17973:2006 Analyse chimique des surfaces - Spectromètres d'électrons Auger à résolution moyenne - étalonnage des échelles d'énergie pour l'analyse élémentaire
- NF X11-632-4*NF ISO 9276-4:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 4 : characterization of a classification process
- NF ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis - Electron microprobe analysis (Castaing microprobe) - Elemental mapping analysis methods using wavelength dispersive spectrometry
- NF T25-112:2011 Carbon fibers - Chemical analysis - Determination of the metalloid elements.
- NF T51-199:1974 Plastics : statistical analysis of experimental results. Henry test.
- NF EN ISO 6306:2023 Chemical analysis of steels - Order of reporting of elements in steel standards
- NF X21-054*NF ISO 17973:2006 Surface chemical analysis - Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis.
- NF X21-013*NF ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy.
- NF X21-004*NF ISO 22309:2012 Microbeam analysis - Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for elements with an atomic number of 11 (Na) or above.
- X11-634:1988 Particle size analysis. Characterization of the size and form of the elements of a granular population.
PL-PKN, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
ESDU - Engineering Sciences Data Unit, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
RU-GOST R, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- GOST R 53355-2009 Solid mineral fuels. Ultimate analysis
- GOST ISO 12787-2016 Perfumery and cosmetics. Analytical methods. Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
- GOST 19877-1982 Dissolving pulp. Spectral method for determining of elements in pulp
GOSTR, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
KR-KS, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- KS M ISO 12787-2014(2024) Cosmetics — Analytical methods — Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- UNE 55-532-1987 Static analysis of results from laboratory tests
- UNE 55-532-1990 Static analysis of results from laboratory tests
- UNE-EN 12938:1999 Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry
- UNE-CR 13505:2003 Food analysis. Biotoxins. Criteria of analytical methods of mycotoxins.
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- JIS M 8819:1997 Coal and coke -- Mechanical methods for ultimate analysis
- JIS Z 8819-2:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- JIS Z 8819-1:1999 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 1: Graphical representation
- JIS K 0165:2011 Surface chemical analysis -- Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers -- Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
Universal Oil Products Company?(UOP), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
German Institute for Standardization, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- DIN 50508:1977 Chemical analysis of copper and copper alloys; determination of tin as alloying element, volumetric method
- DIN ISO 9276-1:2004-09 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 1: Graphical representation (ISO 9276-1:1998)
- DIN ISO 9276-1:2004 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 1: Graphical representation (ISO 9276-1:1998)
- DIN ISO 9276-4:2019-09 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 4: Characterization of a classification process (ISO 9276-4:2001 + Amd.1:2017)
- DIN EN ISO 6306:2023-06 Chemical analysis of steel - Order of listing elements in steel standards (ISO 6306:2020); German and English version prEN ISO 6306:2023 / Note: Date of issue 2023-05-05
- DIN EN 17266:2020-03 Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical species - Determination of organomercury in seafood by elemental mercury analysis; German version EN 17266:2019
TR-TSE, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
國家市場監(jiān)督管理總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- GB/T 36401-2018 Surface chemical analysis—X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy—Reporting of results of thin-film analysis
- GB/T 29732-2021 Surface chemical analysis—Medium resolution auger electron spectrometers—Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
- GB/T 35099-2018 Microbeam analysis—Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry—Morphology and element analysis of single fine particles in ambient air
- GB/T 38904-2020 Methods for elemental analysis of ceramic liquid pigments
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- SN/T 3128-2012 Determination of oxygen element in organic chemicals.Elemental analyzer method
YU-JUS, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- JUS C.A1.360-1977 Methods for chemical analysis of zine and zine alloys. Determination of group of elements - spectrographic analysis
NL-NEN, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- NEN 6583-1987 Rainwater - Report of results of chemical analysis of wet deposition
- NPR 6598-1992 Water. Rounding of analytical results
Professional Standard - Certification and Accreditation, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- RB/T 100-2023 Guidelines for technical analysis of proficiency testing results
IX-SA, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- AS 411:1972 Finite element stress analysis of large structures
Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- YS/T 363-1994 Emission spectrum analysis of impurity elements in pure rhodium
- YS/T 363-2006 Determination of trace impurities in purity rhodium by atomic emission spectrometric
- YS/T 364-2006 Determination of trace impurities in purity iridium by atomic emission spectrometric
- YS/T 364-1994 Emission Spectral Analysis of Impurity Elements in Pure Iridium
- YS/T 361-2006 Determination of trace impurities in purity platinum by atomic emission spectrometric
- YS/T 361-1994 Emission Spectral Analysis of Impurity Elements in Pure Platinum
- YS/T 362-1994 Emission spectrum analysis of impurity elements in pure palladium
- YS/T 362-2006 Determination of trace impurities in purity palladium by atomic emission spectrometric
- YS/T 365-2006 Determination of trace impurities in high purity palladium by atomic emission spectrometric
- YS/T 365-1994 Emission Spectrum Analysis of Impurity Elements in High Purity Platinum
- YS/T 372.4-1994 Methods for elementary analysis of precious alloy. Determination of copper content.Complexometric titration using thiourea releasing EDTA
CZ-CSN, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- CSN 44 1310-1989 Symbols of analytical parameters and formulae for corverting the results of analyses on different states of fuels
- CSN 44 1310-2001 Solid fuels - Symbols of analytical parameters and formulae for converting the results of analyses of different states of fuels
- CSN 441310-2001 Solid fuels - Symbols of analytical parameters and formulae for converting the results of analyses of different states of fuels
工業(yè)和信息化部, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- YS/T 1179.3-2017 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminum slag Part 3: Determination of carbon and nitrogen content Elemental analyzer method
- YB/T 075-2022 Methods for analysis of carbon and hydrogen elements in carbon fibers and their products
- YS/T 1467.12-2021 Methods of chemical analysis of hafnium Part 12: Determination of trace impurity elements
ACI - American Concrete Institute, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
ABS - American Bureau of Shipping, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- GA/T 1163-2014 Analysis and application of human DNA fluorescent STR typing results
FI-SFS, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- SFS 5438-1988 System reliability analysis method. Failure analysis and factor analysis
VN-TCVN, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- TCVN 6645-2000 Soil quality.Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion ("elemental analysis")
Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- EJ/T 594-1991 Technical conditions for on-line analyzers for elements such as tungsten and molybdenum
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defence, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- GJB 5409-2005 General specification for the canister supporting and missile loading vehicle of cruise missile
PT-IPQ, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- NP 1603-1986 Tobacco and tobacco industry products. Explanation of analysis results
- NP 3950-1991 Edible fats and oils Inspection by attributes. Analytical results appreciation
US-FCR, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Lithuanian Standards Office , Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- LST EN 12938-2000/AC-2003 Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry
- LST EN 12938-2000 Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomic spectrometry
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- EN 15296:2011 Solid biofuels - Conversion of analytical results from one basis to another [Superseded: CEN CEN/TS 15296]
- EN 15205:2006 Determination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion protection layers - Qualitative analysis
- DD ENV 12140-1996 Fruit and Vegetable Juices - Determination of the Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio (13C/12C) of Sugars from Fruits Juices - Method Using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- DD ENV 12 141-1996 Fruit and Vegetable Juices - Determination of the Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratio (18O/16O) of Water from Fruit Juices - Method Using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- DD ENV 12 142-1996 Fruit and Vegetable Juices - Determination of the Stable Hydrogen Isotope Ratio (2H/1H) of Water from Fruit Juices - Method Using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- PD CEN/TR 15522-2:2012 Oil spill identification - Waterborne petroleum and petroleum products - Part 2: Analytical methodology and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-MS low resolution analyses
農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- NY/T 3498-2019 Elemental analyzer method for determination of agricultural biomass raw material components
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- PREN 16785-2014 Bio-based products - Determination of the bio-based content using the radiocarbon analysis and elemental analysis
BSI, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- BS ISO 17973:2024 Surface chemical analysis. Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers. Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis
GB-REG, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- YB/T 075-1995 Determination of carbon and hydrogen content for carbon fiber and its products
Professional Standard - Petroleum, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- SY/T 5122-1999 Analytical method of element for Carbon,Hydrogen and Oxygen in organic matter of rock
國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- SN/T 4764-2017 Elemental analyzer method for determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur content in coal
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
American Gear Manufacturers Association, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
IN-BIS, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- IS 7753-1989 Tobacco and tobacco products—Methods of expression for analytical test results
Professional Standard - Aerospace, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- QJ 1425-1988 Analysis of flight test results of liquid rocket power system
AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- P229.27-1983 Results of an Experimental Program Utilized to Verify a New Gear Tooth Strength Analysis
Professional Standard - China Metal Association, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- CSM 01 01 01 00-2006 Guidelines for the Uncertainty Assessment of Measurement Results of Chemical Composition Analysis
- CSM 01 01 01 00-2006 Guidelines for the Uncertainty Assessment of Measurement Results of Chemical Composition Analysis
- CSM 01010100-2006 Guidelines for the Uncertainty Assessment of Measurement Results of Chemical Composition Analysis
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- ANSI/ASTM D7372:2021 Standard Guide for Analysis and Interpretation of Proficiency Test Program Results
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- GJB 9624-2019 Rapid analysis and evaluation method for space launch flight results
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Analysis of the results of the elemental analysis
- 水產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量安全檢驗(yàn)手冊 Chapter 2 Basic Analysis Methods for Physical and Chemical Testing of Aquatic Products 1st Quality Sensory Analysis Methods for Aquatic Products (GB 10220-1988) 3. Results Analysis