DETrace element analysis results
Trace element analysis results, Total:100 items.
In the international standard classification, Trace element analysis results involves: Water quality, Graphical symbols, Coals, Fuels, Analytical chemistry, Products of the chemical industry, Soil quality. Pedology, Textile fibres, Quality, Wastes, Testing of metals, Fertilizers, Production in the chemical industry, Nuclear energy engineering, Crude petroleum, Animal feeding stuffs, Farming and forestry, Education, Laboratory medicine.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Trace element analysis results
- ASTM D5754-95(2006) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsTrilinear Diagrams for Two or More Analyses
- ASTM D5738-95(2000) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Diagrams for Single Analyses
- ASTM D5877-95(2000) Standard Guide for Displaying Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Diagrams Based on Data Analytical Calculations
- ASTM D6036-96(2014) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace Elements—Use of Maps
- ASTM D5754-95(2000) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Trilinear Diagrams for Two or More Analyses
- ASTM D5738-95(2006) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsDiagrams for Single Analyses
- ASTM D5877-95(2005) Standard Guide for Displaying Results of Chemical Analyses of Groundwater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsDiagrams Based on Data Analytical Calculations
- ASTM D6036-96(2002) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements8212;Use of Maps
- ASTM RR-F40-1003 2015 F3139-Test Method for Analysis of Tin-Based Solder Alloys for Minor and Trace Elements Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- ASTM D6036-96(2008) Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elementsx2014;Use of Maps
- ASTM D6036-96e1 Standard Guide for Displaying the Results of Chemical Analysis of Ground Water for Major Ions and Trace Elements-Use of Maps
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Trace element analysis results
- AS 1038.10.0:2002(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Determination of Trace Elements Guidelines for Determination of Trace Elements
- AS 1038.10.1:2003(R2013) Analysis and testing of coal and coke Determination of trace elements Determination of 11 trace elements in coal, coke and fly ash Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
- AS 1038.10.1:2003 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Determination of trace elements - Coal, coke and fly-ash - Dtermination of eleven trace elements - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
- AS 1038.14.3:1999(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Advanced Coal and Coke Ash Major and Trace Elements Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- AS 1038.14.2:2003(R2013) Coal and Coke Analysis and Testing Advanced Coal and Coke Ash Major and Trace Element Acid Digestion/Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- AS 1038.14.2:1995 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing part 14.2:Higher rank coal ash and coke ash - Major and minor elements - Acid digestion/flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
- AS 4205.2:1994 Analysis of urine for trace elements - Determination of copper, cadmium and lead - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
South African Bureau of Standard, Trace element analysis results
- SANS 406:2006 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Determination of trace elements - Guide to the determination of trace elements
- SANS 409:2006 Coal and coke - Analysis and testing - Determination of trace elements - Coal, coke and fly-ash - Determination of eleven trace elements - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GSO, Trace element analysis results
- GSO ISO 11938:2015 Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- GSO ISO 24639:2024 Microbeam analysis — Analytical electron microscopy — Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- OS GSO ISO 11938:2015 Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- BH GSO ISO 11938:2017 Microbeam analysis -- Electron probe microanalysis -- Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- OS GSO ISO 17247:2013 Coal - Ultimate analysis
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Trace element analysis results
- GB/T 32055-2015 Microbeam analysis.Electron probe microanalysis.Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelengthdispersive spectroscopy
- GB/T 17359-2023 Microbeam analysis of elements with atomic number not less than 11 and energy spectrometry for quantitative analysis
- GB/T 17420-1998 Foliar microelement fertilizer
- GB/T 31391-2015 Ultimate analysis of coal
- GB/T 36590-2018(英文版) Method for chemical analysis of high purity silver—Determination of trace impurity elements contents—Glow discharge mass spectrometry
Professional Standard - Aviation, Trace element analysis results
- HB 8422-2014 Quantitative detection method of EPMA for trace elements in alloys
British Standards Institution (BSI), Trace element analysis results
- BS ISO 24639:2022 Microbeam analysis. Analytical electron microscopy. Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- 21/30404763 DC BS ISO 24639. Microbeam analysis. Analytical electron microscopy. Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- BS ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- PD ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- BS ISO 11938:2013 Microbeam analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- BS ISO 5533:2023 Textiles. Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element. Elemental analyser method
- BS EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis. Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Trace element analysis results
- NF EN 15962:2011 Fertilizers - Determination of the complexed trace element content and the complexed fraction of trace elements
- NF ISO 22309:2012 Microbeam Analysis – Quantitative elemental analysis by energy selective spectrometry (EDS) of elements having an atomic number of 11 (Na) or greater
- XP CEN/TS 17786-2:2022 Inorganic fertilizers based on trace elements - Determination of the content of chelated trace elements and the chelated fraction of trace elements - Part 2: determination of EDTA, DTPA, HEEDTA, IDHA or the EDDS
- XP CEN/TS 17786-1:2022 Inorganic fertilizers based on trace elements - Determination of the content of chelated trace elements and the chelated fraction of trace elements - Part 1: treatment with a cation exchange resin
- NF X21-013*NF ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy.
- NF X21-004*NF ISO 22309:2012 Microbeam analysis - Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for elements with an atomic number of 11 (Na) or above.
- NF U42-160:2016 Fertilizing materials and culture media - Microbiological analyzes - Sampling and reading grid of results
- NF ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis - Electron microprobe analysis (Castaing microprobe) - Elemental mapping analysis methods using wavelength dispersive spectrometry
- NF X11-632-1*NF ISO 9276-1:1998 Representation of results of particle size analysis. Part 1 : graphical representation.
- NF EN ISO 21392:2021 Cosmétiques - Méthodes d'analyse - Mesurage des éléments traces métalliques par ICP-MS dans les produits cosmétiques finis
- NF EN 13366:2001 Fertilizers - Treatment with cationic ion exchange resin for determination of chelated trace element content and chelated trace element fraction
- NF V18-247*NF EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)
- XP CEN/TS 17790:2022 Organo-mineral fertilizers - Determination of the content of chelated trace elements and the chelated fraction of trace elements by treatment with a cation exchange resin
HU-MSZT, Trace element analysis results
中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局、中國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì), Trace element analysis results
- GB/T 34701-2017 Microelement analysis method of regeneration DeNOx catalysts
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Trace element analysis results
- ISO 11938:2012 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Methods for elemental-mapping analysis using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy
- ISO/DIS 5533 Textiles — Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element — Elemental analyser method
- ISO 24639:2022 Microbeam analysis — Analytical electron microscopy — Calibration procedure of energy scale for elemental analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy
- ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- ISO 5533:2023 Textiles — Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element — Elemental analyser method
- ISO/FDIS 5533:2023 Textiles — Quantification of carbon fibre constituent element — Elemental analyser method
AT-ON, Trace element analysis results
- ONORM L 1094-3-2001 Chemical analyses of soils - Extraction of trace elements with a solution of lithium chloride
SCC, Trace element analysis results
- BS PD ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- DANSK DS/ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
- BS 1428-B1:1964 Microchemical analysis. Apparatus for the determination of elements by other than combustion methods-Specification for nitrogen determination apparatus (micro-Kjeldahl)
- BS 1428-B1:1953 Microchemical analysis. Apparatus for the determination of elements by other than combustion methods. Specification for nitrogen determination apparatus (micro-Kjeldahl)
- NS-EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis — Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)
- AENOR UNE-EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)
Danish Standards Foundation, Trace element analysis results
- DS/ISO/TR 27877:2021 Statistical analysis for evaluating the precision of binary measurement methods and their results
Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, Trace element analysis results
- HG/T 5018-2016 Determination methods of the major components and trace metal elements in waste etching liquor containing copper
- HG/T 5934~5935-2021 Fulvic Acid Medium Element Fertilizer and Fulvic Acid Trace Element Fertilizer (2021)
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Trace element analysis results
- KS D 1701-2009 Determination of trace impurities in high purity gold-Matrix extraction method by heating
- KS D 1674-2019 Methods for inductively coupled plasma spectrometric analysis of trace elements in gold
- KS D 1702-2020 Platium-Determination of trace-element content by inductively coupled plasma spectrometric analysis-Matrix matching method
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Trace element analysis results
- GJB 950.8-1990 Trace element analysis method of precious metals and their alloys ICP-AES method for determination of trace amounts of palladium and rhodium in platinum alloys
- GJB 950.2-1990 Analysis method of trace elements of precious metals and their alloys ICP-AES method Determination of trace amounts of iron, lead, antimony and bismuth in silver and silver alloys
- GJB 950.1-1990 Analysis method of trace elements of precious metals and their alloys ICP-AES method Determination of trace amounts of lead, antimony, bismuth and iron in gold and gold alloys
- GJB 950.5-1990 Analysis method of trace elements of precious metals and their alloys. Determination of trace iron in palladium alloys by sulfosalic acid photometric method.
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Trace element analysis results
- NY 1428-2007 Water-Soluble Fertilizers Containing Micronutrients
- NY 1428-2010 Water-soluble fertilizers containing micronutrients
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Trace element analysis results
國(guó)家市場(chǎng)監(jiān)督管理總局、中國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì), Trace element analysis results
Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, Trace element analysis results
- EJ/T 1212.4-2008 Test methods for analysis of sintered gadolinium oxide-uranium dioxide pellets.Part4: Determination of trace impurity ICP-AES multi-spectral-fitting method
German Institute for Standardization, Trace element analysis results
- DIN 22022-6:2001 Testing of solid fuels - Determination of trace elements - Part 6: Evaluation and declaration of results
- DIN EN 17053:2018-03 Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method); German version EN 17053:2018
- DIN EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)
- DIN ISO 22309:2015-11 Microbeam analysis - Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for elements with an atomic number of 11 (Na) or above (ISO 22309:2011)
- DIN EN 13806-3:2023 Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Part 3: Determination of total mercury in foodstuffs with atomic absorption directly from the foodstuff (elemental mercury analysis); German and English version prEN 13806-3:2023
工業(yè)和信息化部, Trace element analysis results
Liaoning Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Trace element analysis results
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Trace element analysis results
- SN/T 3128-2012 Determination of oxygen element in organic chemicals.Elemental analyzer method
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Trace element analysis results
- UNE-EN 17053:2018 Animal feeding stuffs: Methods of sampling and analysis - Determination of trace elements, heavy metals and other elements in feed by ICP-MS (multi-method)
Professional Standard - Electricity, Trace element analysis results
Indonesia Standards, Trace element analysis results
Professional Standard - Education, Trace element analysis results
- JY/T 0580-2020 General Rules for Analytical Methods of Elemental Analyzers
CZ-CSN, Trace element analysis results
- CSN ISO 9276-1:1994 Representation of results of particle size analysis-Part 1:Graphical representation