






x-ray spectrometer

x-ray spectrometer, Total:30 items.

In the international standard classification, x-ray spectrometer involves: Analytical chemistry, Optics and optical measurements, Radiation measurements, Nuclear energy engineering, Surface treatment and coating, Metalliferous minerals, Metrology and measurement in general, Fuels, Testing of metals.

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, x-ray spectrometer

  • GB/T 20726-2006 Instrumental specification for energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers with semiconductor detectors
  • GB/T 11685-2003 Measurement procedures for semiconductor X-ray detector system and semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers

Professional Standard - Machinery, x-ray spectrometer

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), x-ray spectrometer

CZ-CSN, x-ray spectrometer

GSO, x-ray spectrometer

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), x-ray spectrometer

  • IEC 60759:1983 Standard test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers
  • IEC 60759:1983/AMD1:1991 Standard test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers; amendment 1

SCC, x-ray spectrometer

  • CEI 45-35:1997 Standardized test methods of semiconductor X-ray spectrometers
  • BS ISO 15632:2002 Microbeam analysis. Instrumental specification for energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers with semiconductor detectors

SE-SIS, x-ray spectrometer

  • SIS SS IEC 759:1986 Nuclear instrumentation —Test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), x-ray spectrometer

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), x-ray spectrometer

National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, x-ray spectrometer

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), x-ray spectrometer

  • ASTM E1172-16 Standard Practice for Describing and Specifying a Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer
  • ASTM E1172-22 Standard Practice for Describing and Specifying a Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer
  • ASTM D7220-12 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Automotive, Heating, and Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, x-ray spectrometer

  • T/CSTM 00901-2023 Calibration specification for handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), x-ray spectrometer

  • AS 2563:1996(R2016) Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers - Determination of precision
  • AS 2563:1996 Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers - Determination of precision

National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, x-ray spectrometer

  • JJF 2024-2023 Calibration specifications for energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), x-ray spectrometer

  • ISO 15472:2001 Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales
  • ISO 15472:2010 Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales

Association Francaise de Normalisation, x-ray spectrometer

  • NF X21-055:2006 Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron spectrometers - Calibration of energy scales.

Professional Standard - Agriculture, x-ray spectrometer

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