DE??? ??? ??? ???
?? 76??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??.
?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????: ?? ??, ?? ???, ????, ?? ??, ???, ??? ?? ? ?? ??, ?? ????, ?? ? ?? ??, ??, ??, ?? ? ?? ??, ?? ??(IT) ??, ?? ? ?? ??, ??? ?? ??, ??? ? ??? ??, ?? ? ?? ??, ?? ? ??, ?? ??, ?? ?? ??, ??? ?? ? ???, ??, ??, ????? ???, ??? ??, ???, ???, ???, ???? ??? ?? ? ??, ??, ??, ?? ??, ?? ??.
Association Francaise de Normalisation, ??? ??? ??? ???
SCC, ??? ??? ??? ???
German Institute for Standardization, ??? ??? ??? ???
British Standards Institution (BSI), ??? ??? ??? ???
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), ??? ??? ??? ???
DIN, ??? ??? ??? ???
Professional Standard - Agriculture, ??? ??? ??? ???
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., ??? ??? ??? ???
RU-GOST R, ??? ??? ??? ???
KR-KS, ??? ??? ??? ???
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), ??? ??? ??? ???
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, ??? ??? ??? ???
GOST, ??? ??? ??? ???
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), ??? ??? ??? ???
BE-NBN, ??? ??? ??? ???
US-FCR, ??? ??? ??? ???
ES-AENOR, ??? ??? ??? ???
US-VA, ??? ??? ??? ???
API - American Petroleum Institute, ??? ??? ??? ???
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, ??? ??? ??? ???
Professional Standard - Education, ??? ??? ??? ???
Guizhou Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, ??? ??? ??? ???
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), ??? ??? ??? ???
HU-MSZT, ??? ??? ??? ???
RO-ASRO, ??? ??? ??? ???
Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, ??? ??? ??? ???
PL-PKN, ??? ??? ??? ???
BELST, ??? ??? ??? ???