DEHow to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate, Total:165 items.
In the international standard classification, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate involves: Inorganic chemicals, Non-metalliferous minerals, Analytical chemistry, Surface treatment and coating, Construction materials, Rubber, Iron and steel products, Products of the chemical industry, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Pulps, Metalliferous minerals, MINING AND MINERALS, Products of non-ferrous metals, Medical equipment, Fuels, Ferroalloys, Pharmaceutics, Water quality, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Organic chemicals, Fertilizers, Agricultural machines, implements and equipment, Leather technology, Beverages, Protection against fire.
Yunnan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- DB53/T 918-2019 Determination of sulfuric acid content in ferric zinc sulfate solution by acid-base titration
PL-PKN, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
ZA-SANS, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- SANS 5292:1987 Sulphates in solutions, detection
- SANS 5850-2:2008 Sulfates content of fines in aggregates Part 2: Acid-soluble sulfates in fines in aggregates
- SANS 6310:2005 Sulfate content of water (turbidimetric method)
- SANS 5850-2:2002 Sulfates content of fines in aggregates Part 2: Acid-soluble sulfates in fines in aggregates
- SANS 5620:1972 Determination of sulphated ash content of water-solubles in leather
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- GB/T 11198.1-1989 Sulphuric acid for industrial use--Determination of sulphuric acid content and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum--Titrimetric method
- GB 9018.3-1988 Celestite ores--Determination of sulphate content--Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- GB/T 3514-1992 Rubber,Vulcanized-dtermination of free sulphur content Sodium sulphite method
- GB 4581.4-1984 Alunite ores--Determination of sulphur content for sulphate--Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- GB/T 2463-2008 Pyrites and concentrate.Determination of total iron content.Cerium sulfate volumetric and potassium dichromate volumetric methods
- GB/T 11213.5-1989 Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use--Determination of sulphate mass fraction--Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- GB/T 6730.16-2016(英文版) Iron ores—Determination of sulfur content—Barium sulfate gravimetric method
- GB/T 32784-2016 Pig iron contenting nickel.Determination of chromium content.Ammonium per sulfate-ammonium ferrous sulfate titration method
- GB/T 2463.1-1996 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of total iron content--Part 1: Cerium sulfate volumetric method
- GB/T 13530.2-1992 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate--Determination of unsulfated matter content
- GB/T 11198.12-1989 Sulphyric acid for industrial use--Determination of sulpur dioxide content--Iodometric method
- GB/T 7043.2-2001 Rubber--Determination of copper content--Zinc diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method
- GB/T 11198.9-1989 Sulphuric acid for industrial use--Determination of mercury content--Dithizone photometric method
- GB/T 15057.8-1994 Limestone for chemical industry- Determination of sulfur content- Gravimetric and combustion-iodate titrimetric methods
- GB/T 15817-1995 Determination of mineral sulfate content in detergents--Gravimetric method
- GB/T 11198.7-1989 Sulphuric acid for industrial use--Determination of lead content--Dithizone photometric method
Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- HG/T 2957.4-2004 Determination of sulfate sulfur content in alunite ore barium sulfate gravimetric method
- HG/T 2958.3-1988 Celestite ores-Determination of sulphate content-Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- HG/T 3614-1999 Standard Test Method for Sulfonic and Sulfuric Acids in Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acids
- HG/T 2957.4-1984(1997) Alunite ores-Determination of sulphur content for sulphate-Barium sulphate gravimetric method
BE-NBN, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- NBN T 03-016-1979 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use - Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphure trioxide content of oleum - Titrimetric method
- NBN T 03-209-1980 Potassium sulphate for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetrie method
- NBN I-915-1968 Green chrome paint. Measurement of insoluble barium sulfate and silicon sulfate content in pigments
- NBN T 03-025-1979 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use - Determination of sulphur dioxide content - Iodometric method
- NBN T 03-003-1979 Hydrochloric acid for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetrie method
- NBN T 03-162-1980 Sodium chloride for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetrie method
- NBN T 03-174-1980 Sodium sulphate for industrial use - Determination of sulphates content - Calculation method and barium sulphate gravimetric method
- NBN T 03-110-1979 Sodium carbonate for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetrie method
- NBN T 03-022-1979 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use - Determination of lead content - Dithizone photometric method
- NBN I-992-1969 Hydrochloric acid for industrial use. Measurement of sulfate content
- NBN T 03-179-1980 Sodium sulphate for industrial use - Determination of sodium sulphate content - Gravimetrie method
- NBN T 03-124-1980 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetrie method
HU-MSZT, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- KS M ISO 3423-2015(2020) Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 910-2004(2019) Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use-Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum-Titrimetric method
- KS M ISO 910-2019 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use-Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum-Titrimetric method
- KS M ISO 3423-2020 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 910:2004 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use-Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum-Titrimetric method
- KS M ISO 3423:2015 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 3423:2010 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 2480:2017 Sodium chloride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- KS M ISO 2480-2017(2022) Sodium chloride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- KS M ISO 2480-2022 Sodium chloride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- KS M ISO 2480:2012 Sodium chloride for industrial use-Determination of sulphate content-Barium sulphate gravimetric method
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- ISO 2487:1973 Potassium sulphate for industrial use; Determination of sulphate content; Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 906:1976 Hydrochloric acid for industrial use; Determination of sulphate content; Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 3237:1975 Sodium sulphate for industrial use; Determination of sulphates content; Calculation method and barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 3333:1975 Ammonium sulphate for industrial use; Determination of copper content; Zinc dibenzyldithiocarbamate photometric method
- ISO 743:1976 Sodium carbonate for industrial use; Determination of sulphate content; Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 5142:1977 Sodium sulphate for industrial use; Determination of sodium sulphate content; Gravimetric method
- ISO 3423:1975 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use; Determination of sulphur dioxide content; Iodometric method
- ISO 3200:1975 Sodium and potassium silicates for industrial use; Determination of sulphates content; Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 910:1977 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use; Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum; Titrimetric method
- ISO 2717:1973 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use; Determination of lead content; Dithizone photometric method
- ISO 21400:2018 Pulp — Determination of cellulose nanocrystal sulfur and sulfate half-ester content
- ISO 982:1976 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 2480:1972 Sodium chloride for industrial use; Determination of sulphate content; Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 993:1976 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- ISO 1396:1975 Vulcanized and unvulcanized compounded rubber — Determination of copper content — Zinc diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method
Association Francaise de Normalisation, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- NF T20-364:1978 Potassium sulphate for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content.baryum sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF T20-454:1976 Sodium sulphate for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Calculation method and barium sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF T20-417:1975 Sodium carbonate for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Barium sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF T20-459:1980 Sodium sulphate for industrial use. Determination of sodium sulphate content. Gravimetric method.
- NF T20-527:1980 Sodium and potassium silicates for industrial use. Determination of sulphates content. Barium sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF T20-405:1982 Sodium chloride for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Barium sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF T20-429:1976 Sodium hydroxyde for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Barium sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF T20-382:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Baryum sulphate gravimetric method.
- NF A20-406*NF ISO 4689:1987 Iron ores. Determination of sulphur content. Barium sulfate gravimetric method.
Professional Standard - Aviation, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- HB/Z 5109.7-2001 Analysis method for passivation solution Determination of sodium sulfate in zinc plating, cadmium plating nitric acid passivation solution
YU-JUS, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- JUS H.G8.458-1991 Reagents. Potassium sulphate. Determination of beavy metals content (as Ph). Colorimetric method
- JUS H.B8.721-1981 Copper sulphate. Titrimetric determination of copper sulphate content
- JUS H.G8.452-1991 Reagents. Potassium sulpbate. Determination of potassium sulphate content. Volumetric method
- JUS H.G8.139-1985 Peagents. Ammonium sulphate. Determination of ammonium sulphatecontent Volumetric method
- JUS H.B8.640-1981 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use. Determination of sulphur dioxide content lodometric method
- JUS H.G8.447-1990 Reagents. Zine sulphate heptahydrate. Determination of total nitrogen content. Colorimetric method
- JUS H.B8.017-1981 Sutphuric acid and oleum for industrial use. Determination of lead content. Dithizone photometric method
- JUS H.G8.443-1990 Reagents. Zine sulphate heptahy?rate. Determination of zine sulphate heptahydrate content. EDTA(di-sodium salt) complexometric method
- JUS H.G8.342-1988 Reagents. Zine chloride. ?etermination of sulphates content. Turbldimetric mc?hod
- JUS H.G8.036-1981 Reagents. Sulphuric acid. Determination ofzinc content. Flame atomic absorption method
- JUS H.G8.448-1990 Reagents. Zine sulphate heptahydrate. Determination of iron content. Colorimetric method
- JUS H.G8.450-1990 Reagents. Zine sulphate heptahydrate- Determination of arsenic content. Silver diethvldithiocarbamate speetrophotometric method
- JUS H.B8.722-1981 Copper sulphate. Determination of iron content
- JUS H.B8.642-1981 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use. Determination of lead content. Polarographic method
- JUS H.B8.643-1981 Sulphuric acid for industrial use. Determination of copper content. Polarographic method
- JUS H.B8.724-1981 Copper sulphate. Determination of free water
- JUS H.G8.446-1990 Reagents. Zine sulphate heptahydrate? Determination of chlorides content. Turbidimetric method
- JUS H.G8.069-1983 Reagents. Bori? acid. Determination of sulphate content. Turbidimetric method
- JUS H.C8.215-1989 Pigments. Basic zine potassium chromate and zine tetrahvdroxychromate. Determination of water-soluble sulphates content (as SO,). Gravimetric method
- JUS H.G8.401-1989 Reagents. Calcium nitrate tetrahvdrate. Detemination of substances not precipitated by aiumonium oxalate (as sulphate) . Gravimetric nethod
- JUS C.T7.222-1984 Anodic oxidation of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Determination of content of free sulfuric acid and aluminium in the sulfuric acid bath
- JUS H.G8.033-1981 Reagents. Sulphuric acid. Determination of arsenic content Silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method
- JUS H.B8.429-1983 Acid-grade fluorspar. Determination of barium sulphate content. Gravimetric method
- JUS H.P8.034-1992 Potassium metabisulphite,as pesticide - Determination of potassium sulphate content - Gravimetric method
- JUS H.B8.634-1981 Sulphuric acid for industrial use. Determination of copper content. 2,2'—biquinolylphotometric method
PT-IPQ, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- NP 1233-1976 Sulfuric acid and nicotine used in industry. Measurement of nitrogen content
- NP 1229-1976 Potassium sulfate used in industry. Measurement of sulfate content
- NP 1184-1976 Sodium carbonate used in industry. Measurement of sulfate content
- NP 324-1963 plaster. Measurement of sulfate content
- NP 1312-1976 Phosphoric acid used in industry. Measuring the sulfate content in polyphosphoric acid by volumetric method
- E 202-1967 soil. Determine the amount of sulfate in soil and the amount of sulfate in water in soil
工業(yè)和信息化部, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- YB/T 6013.1-2022 Determination of sulfate and sulfite content in sintering flue gas desulfurization ash. Barium sulfate gravimetric method.
- HG/T 6108-2022 Determination method of chloride ion content in waste sulfuric acid
- HG/T 6072-2022 Determination of thiocyanate content in coking wastewater
Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- DB37/T 342-2003 Determination method of the content of latonidin sulfate
- DB37/T 377-2003 Determination method of sulfate content in peracetic acid solution
- DB37/T 2735-2015 Determination of ammonium sulfate content in dry powder fire extinguishing agent Total nitrogen content method
RO-ASRO, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- STAS 4605/13-1972 NON-METAT, BEARING MIXIXG PRODUCTS WITH CARBONATE CONTENT DCtermination of sulphate ion and tolal sulphur
- STAS SR 13303-6-1996 Chlorous mud-Determination of sulphur content-Barium sulphate gravimetric and sulphur dioxide titrimetric method after combustion
- STAS 11427-1980 VULCANIZED RUBBER Determination of zinc content EDTA titrimetric method
- STAS SR ISO 2480:1995 Sodium chloride for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- STAS 3069-1987 DRINKJNG WA.TEK Sulphates content determinalion
- STAS 12873-1990 Cinematograph. Residual thiosulphate determination
ET-QSAE, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- ES 390-2000 Determination of sulfate content of edible salt - barium sulfate gravimetric method
AENOR, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
TR-TSE, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
GSO, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- BH GSO ISO 910:2017 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use -- Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum -- Titrimetric method
- BH GSO ISO 3423:2017 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use -- Determination of sulphur dioxide content -- Iodometric method
- GSO ISO 3423:2015 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use -- Determination of sulphur dioxide content -- Iodometric method
- GSO ISO 910:2015 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use -- Determination of total acidity, and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum -- Titrimetric method
- OS GSO ISO 2480:2008 Sodium chloride for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- GSO ISO 2480:2008 Sodium chloride for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content - Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- DL/T 422.4-1991 Determination of sulfate content in industrial hydrochloric acid - Barium chromate spectrophotometric method
- OS GSO ISO 4689:2013 Iron ores -- Determination of sulfur content -- Barium sulfate gravimetric method
- GSO ISO 4689:2013 Iron ores -- Determination of sulfur content -- Barium sulfate gravimetric method
- BH GSO ISO 4689:2016 Iron ores -- Determination of sulfur content -- Barium sulfate gravimetric method
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- T/HNNMIA 50-2023 Determination of selenium content in acid mud - Sodium thiosulfate titration method
- T/CASME 839-2023 Method for determination of dimethyl sulfate in ciprofloxacin hydrochloride
- T/GDAQ 00006-2022 Determinnation of sulfur amino acids in foods
CZ-CSN, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
SCC, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- BS PD ISO/TS 4689-1:2023 Iron ores. Determination of sulfur content-Barium sulfate gravimetric method
- NS 9045:1981 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determinatio of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
- NS 4761:1987 Determination of sulphate content of water — Titrimetric Thorin method
Professional Standard - Electricity, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- DL 422.4-1991 Determination of sulfate content in industrial hydrochloric acid - Barium chromate spectrophotometric method
German Institute for Standardization, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- DIN 51855-4:1995 Testing of gaseous fuels and other gases - Determination of sulphur compounds content - Part 4: Content of hydrogen sulfide, zinc acetate method
KR-KS, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- KS M ISO 2480-2017 Sodium chloride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
British Standards Institution (BSI), How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- YB/T 5040-2012 Molybdenum oxide.Determination of sulfur content.Gravimetric method of barium sulfate
- YB/T 5332-2009 Determination of vanadium pentoxide sulfur content barium sulfate gravimetric method
中華人民共和國國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- GB/T 6730.16-2016 Iron ores—Determination of sulfur content—Barium sulfate gravimetric method
Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- YS/T 227.7-1994 Determination of sulfur content in tellurium (barium sulfate turbidimetry)
- YS/T 226.15-1994 Determination of selenium content in selenium (sodium thiosulfate volumetric method)
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- CNS 13279-1993 Method of Test for Hazardous Compenents in Sulfate Fertilizers (Determination of Free Sulfuric Acid Content)
Indonesia Standards, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- SNI 06-3971-1995 Test methods for sulphite content by spectrophotometer apparatus
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- SN/T 3927-2014 Determination of sodium thiocyanate in dairy products for export
IN-BIS, How to detect sulfuric acid content in zinc sulfate
- IS 4203-1967 Method for determination of sulfate content in textile materials