Bromochloromethane, Total:9 items.
In the international standard classification, Bromochloromethane involves: Materials for aerospace construction, Protection against fire.
Chlorobromine detection, Chloroform methane, bromine chlorine coefficient, Bromotrichloromethane, Bromochloromethane, Chloromethane, Chloromethane, Methane Chloroform, Methyl chloride test, Methyl chloride and ethyl chloride, Dichloromethane bromide, Dichloromethane bromination, Methane chloride+, Air Chloromethane, Methyl chloride content, Bromine was extracted with dichloromethane, Deuterochloromethane, Air Chloromethane, Chloromethane, Dichloromethane extracts bromine.
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