DEMethods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins, Total:316 items.
In the international standard classification, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins involves: Milk and milk products, Beverages, Analytical chemistry, Processes in the food industry, Biology. Botany. Zoology, Laboratory medicine, Construction materials, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Fruits. Vegetables, Cereals, pulses and derived products, Animal feeding stuffs, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Food products in general, Organic chemicals, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, Microbiology, Textile fibres, Products of the chemical industry, Farming and forestry, Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds.
RU-GOST R, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- GOST R 51470-1999 Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of protein content
- GOST R 51464-1999 Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of water content
- GOST R 51463-1999 Rennet caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of ASH content
- GOST R 51467-1999 Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of pH
- GOST R 51469-1999 Caseins and caseinates. Photometric method for determination of lactose content
- GOST R 52993-2008 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- GOST 31978-2012 Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of pH
- GOST 25179-1990 Milk. Methods for determination of protein
- GOST R 51454-1999 Caseins and caseinates. Method of determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
- GOST R 51466-1999 Caseins. Method for determination of "fixed ash" mass fraction
- GOST 10846-1991 Grain and products of its processing. Method for determination of protein
- GOST R 54478-2011 Grain. Methods of determination quantity and quality of gluten in wheat
- GOST R 51468-1999 Caseins. Method for determination of free acidity
- GOST 30648.2-1999 Infant milk products. Methods for determination of total protein
- GOST 25179-2014 Milk and milk products. Method for determination of protein
- GOST R 51465-1999 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of scorched particles content
- GOST R 53974-2010 Enzyme preparations for food industry. Method for determination of proteolitic activity
- GOST R 54756-2011 Milk and milk products. Мethod for determination of mass portion of whey protein with Kjeldahl method
- GOST 25011-1981 Meat and meat products. Methods of protein determination
AT-ON, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- ONORM DIN 10454-1993 Determination of protein content of caseins and caseinates - Reference method
- ONORM DIN 10453-1993 Determination of water content of caseins and caseinates - Reference method
- ONORM DIN 10456-1993 Determination of pH of caseins and caseinates - Reference method
- ONORM S 1812-1982 Testing ojtextiles; quantitative analysis oj binary mixtures; casein fihres with other jibres; trypsin method
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
SCC, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- BS 6248-10:1986 Caseins and caseinates-Method for determination of fat (gravimetric reference method)
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products – Determination of nitrogen content – Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- BS 6248-9:1984 Caseins and caseinates-Method for the determination of scorched particles
- AS 1871.9:1976 List of methods for examination of waters Nitrogen (albuminoid)
- DIN 10470 E:2010 Draft Document - Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
- NS-EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method) (ISO 8968-4:2016)
- AENOR UNE 34400-7:1967 Test methods for wheat flour. Determination of protein.
- AENOR UNE-EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and dairy products. Determination of nitrogen content. Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and calculation of true protein content (Reference method). (ISO 8968-4:2016)
- DIN EN ISO 8968-4 E:2013 Draft Document - Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: Determination of protein and non protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method) (ISO/DIS 8968-4:2013); German version prEN ISO 8968-...
- DANSK DS/ISO 23319:2022 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates – Determination of fat content – Gravimetric method
- DANSK DS/ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
CZ-CSN, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
KR-KS, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- KS H 1204-2022 Testing method for crude proteins content
- KS H ISO 5549-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of protein content(Reference method)
- KS H ISO 5548-2020 Caseins and caseinates-Determination of lactose content-Photometric method
- KS H ISO 5543-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method(Reference method)
- KS H ISO 5739-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of scorched particles content
- KS H ISO 5546-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of pH(Reference method)
- KS H ISO 5545-2021 Rennet caseins and caseinates —Determination of ash(Reference method)
未注明發(fā)布機構(gòu), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- ISO 5549:1978 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of protein content (Reference method)
- ISO 5543:2004 | IDF 127:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- ISO 5550:2006 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- ISO 5550:2006|IDF 78:2006 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- ISO 5550:1978 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of water content (Reference method)
- ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method
- ISO 5548:2004 | IDF 106:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of lactose content — Photometric method
- ISO 5548:2004|IDF 106:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of lactose content — Photometric method
- ISO 5546:2010 | IDF 115:2010 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of pH (Reference method)
- ISO 5546:2010|IDF 115:2010 Determination of pH value of casein and caseinate (standard method)
- ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- ISO 5548:1980 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of lactose content; Photometric method
- ISO 5550:2006 | IDF 78:2006 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- ISO 5543:1986 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of fat content; Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- ISO 5543:2004|IDF 127:2004 Gravimetric method for determination of fat content in casein and caseinate (reference method)
- ISO 5543:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- ISO 8968-4:2016 | IDF 20-4:2016 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- ISO 5739:1983 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of scorched particles content
- ISO 5546:1979 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of pH (Reference method)
- ISO 5547:2008 | IDF 91:2008 Caseins — Determination of free acidity (Reference method)
- ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
- ISO 8195:1987 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents; Method by cadmium reduction and spectrometry
- ISO 23319:2022 | IDF 250 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method
- ISO 5545:2008|IDF 90:2008 Determination of abomasal casein and caseinate ash (reference method)
- ISO 20483:2006 Cereals and pulses - Determination of the nitrogen content and calculation of the crude protein content - Kjeldahl method
- ISO 23319:2022 | IDF 250:2022 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method
- ISO 5739:2003 | IDF 107:2003 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- NF ISO 5550:2007 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (reference method)
- NF V04-382:1988 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (reference method).
- NF V04-388*NF ISO 5548:2008 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method.
- NF ISO 5548:2008 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method
- NF ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- NF V04-382:2008 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method).
- NF V04-387:1985 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of protein content (reference method).
- NF V04-221-4*NF EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4 : determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- NF EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and dairy products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and calculation of true protein content (Reference method)
- NF ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
- NF ISO 5544:2008 Caseins - Determination of "fixed ashes" (Reference method)
- NF EN ISO 21572:2019 Food products - Molecular biomarker analysis - Immunochemical methods for protein detection and quantification
- NF V04-389:1985 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of scorched particles content.
- NF EN ISO 23319:2022 Cheeses and processed cheeses, caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method
- NF V04-384*NF ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method).
- NF ISO 5547:2008 Caseins - Determination of free acidity (Reference method)
- NF V04-558*NF EN ISO 23319:2022 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method
- NF V04-390:1988 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents. Method by cadmium reduction and spectrometry.
International Dairy Federation (IDF), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- IDF 78-2006 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- IDF 90-2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
- IDF 89-2008 Caseins - Determination of "fixed ash" (Reference method)
- IDF 91-2008 Caseins - Determination of free acidity (Reference method)
German Institute for Standardization, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- DIN ISO 5550:2020-12 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method) (ISO 5550:2006)
- DIN 10464:1994-08 Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method
- DIN ISO 5550:2020 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method) (ISO 5550:2006)
- DIN EN ISO 8968-4:2016-09 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method) (ISO 8968-4:2016); German version EN ISO 8968-4:2016
- DIN 10472:1996 Determination of casein and whey protein contents of milk and milk products - Electrophoretic method
- DIN 10470:2011-07 Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
- DIN ISO 5546:2020-12 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method) (ISO 5546:2010)
- DIN 10470:2011 Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
- DIN 10466:2001-09 Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method
- DIN 10464:1994 Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method
- DIN 10470:1999 Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Derivative spectroscopic method
- DIN ISO 5546:2020 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method) (ISO 5546:2010)
- DIN 10472:1996-06 Determination of casein and whey protein contents of milk and milk products - Electrophoretic method
- DIN ISO 5544:2020-12 Caseins - Determination of "fixed ash" (Reference method) (ISO 5544:2008)
- DIN EN ISO 21415-4:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Part 4: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying method (ISO 21415-4:2006); German version EN ISO 21415-4:2007
- DIN ISO 5545:2020-12 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method) (ISO 5545:2008)
- DIN 10466:2001 Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method
- DIN ISO 5545:2020 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method) (ISO 5545:2008)
- DIN 58906-1:2000 Haemostaseology - Determination of fibrinogen concentration - Part 1: Reference measurement procedure for the determination of clottable fibrinogen as described by Clauss
- DIN 10450:1983-03 Determination of free acidity of caseins; reference method
- DIN EN ISO 23319:2023-01 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (ISO 23319:2022); German version EN ISO 23319:2022
- DIN EN ISO 21415-2:2008 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Part 2: Determination of wet gluten by mechanical means (ISO 21415-2:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 21415-2:2008-04
- DIN EN ISO 21572:2020-02 Foodstuffs - Molecular biomarker analysis - Immunochemical methods for the detection and quantification of proteins (ISO 21572:2019); German version EN ISO 21572:2019
中華人民共和國國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- GB/T 35534-2017 Examination methods of pancreatic digest of casein
- GB/T 34800-2017 Detection method of activity and impurity of proteinase K
- GB/T 33410-2016 Determination of the activity of protease K in biochemical reagents
- GB/T 35809-2018 Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of protein content
Professional Standard - Medicine, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
IN-BIS, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- IS 11888-1987 Method for determination of charred particle content in casein and caseinates
- IS 11963-1987 Photometric method for determination of lactose content in casein and caseinate
- IS 11962-1987 Method for determination of ash content in chymosin casein and caseinate (reference method)
- IS 7481-1974 How to measure protein efficiency ratio (PER)
- IS 7219-1973 Methods for determination of protein in food and feed
- IS 11964-1987 Method for determination of free acidity in casein (reference method)
British Standards Institution (BSI), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- BS EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products. Determination of nitrogen content. Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- BS ISO 5550:2006 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- BS ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric methods
- BS ISO 17997-2:2005 Milk - Determination of casein-nitrogen content - Direct method
- BS ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- BS 6248-11:1987 Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
- BS EN ISO 21415-4:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying method
- BS ISO 5543:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (reference method)
- BS ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
- BS EN ISO 21415-3:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by an oven drying method
- BS ISO 17997-1:2005 Milk - Determination of casein-nitrogen content - Indirect method (Reference method)
- BS EN ISO 8968-4:2016(2017) Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content Part 4 : Determination of protein and non - protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- BS EN ISO 21415-1:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Determination of wet gluten by a manual method
- BS ISO 5544:2008 Caseins - Determination of "fixed ash" (Reference method)
- BS ISO 17997-2:2004 Milk. Determination of casein-nitrogen content - Direct method
- BS ISO 5547:2008 Caseins - Determination of free acidity (Reference method)
- BS EN ISO 23319:2022 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method
- BS ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- BS EN ISO 21572:2019 Foodstuffs. Molecular biomarker analysis. Immunochemical methods for the detection and quantification of proteins
- BS EN ISO 8968-5:2002 Milk. Determination of nitrogen content. Determination of protein-nitrogen content
- BS ISO 17997-1:2004 Milk. Determination of casein-nitrogen content - Indirect method (Reference method)
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- CNS 3449-1988 Methods of Test for Milk and Milk Products: The Quantitive Analysis of Protein
- CNS 3449-2007 Method of test for milk and milk products - Determination of protein
- CNS 2770.5-1986 Method of Test for Feeds : Determination of Crude Protein
- CNS 2770-5-1986 Method of Test for Feeds : Determination of Crude Protein
- CNS 6511-2008 Method of test for meat and meat products - Determination of crude protein content
GSO, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- BH GSO ISO 5543:2016 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of fat content -- Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- OS GSO ISO 5543:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of fat content -- Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5543:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of fat content -- Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5550:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- OS GSO ISO 5548:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of lactose content -- Photometric method
- GSO ISO 5548:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of lactose content -- Photometric method
- OS GSO ISO 5550:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- BH GSO ISO 8968-4:2022 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 8968-4:2021 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- OS GSO 2505:2016 Method of tests for soya protein products
- GSO 2505:2016 Method of tests for soya protein products
- GSO ISO 5544:2015 Caseins -- Determination of " fixed ash " (Reference method)
- OS GSO ISO 5546:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of pH (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5546:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of pH (Reference method)
- BH GSO ISO 5546:2016 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of pH (Reference method)
- BH GSO ISO 23319:2023 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method
- GSO ISO 23319:2023 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method
- GSO ISO 5739:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- BH GSO ISO 5739:2016 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- BH GSO ISO 21572:2022 Foodstuffs — Molecular biomarker analysis — Immunochemical methods for the detection and quantification of proteins
Lithuanian Standards Office , Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- LST ISO 5549:2001 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of protein content (Reference method) (identical ISO 5549:1978)
- LST ISO 5543:2004 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method) (idt ISO 5543:2004)
- LST ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of lactose content. Photometric method (idt ISO 5548:2004)
- LST ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method) ( ISO 5546:2010, identical)
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- GB/T 19495.8-2004 Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products. Protein based methods
- GB/T 15673-1995 Method for determination of crude protein in edible fungi
- GB/T 14771-1993 Method for determination of protein content in foods
- GB/T 6432-1994 Method for the determination of crude protein in feedstuffs
- GB/T 24897-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Crude protein determination in rice-Near-infrared method
- GB/T 24901-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Determination of crude protein in maize-Near-infrared method
- GB/T 5511-1985 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude protein
- GB/T 24899-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Determination of crude protein in wheat-Near-infrared method
- GB/T 24871-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Crude protein determination in wheat flour-Near-infrared method
- GB/T 17811-1999 Determination of digestibility in animal protein feeds--Pepsin method
- GB/T 24870-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Crude protein and crude fat determination in soybean-Near-infrared method
- GB/T 8856-1988 Method for determination of crude protein in fruit and vegetable products
- GB/T 14489.2-1993 Method for determination of crude protein oilseed
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- AS ISO 8968.4:2021 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content, Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- EN ISO 8968-4:2001 Milk - Determination of Nitrogen Content - Part 4: Determination of Non-Protein Nitrogen Content
ES-UNE, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- UNE-EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method) (ISO 8968-4:2016)
- UNE-EN ISO 23319:2022 Cheese and processed cheese products, caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (ISO 23319:2022)
- UNE-EN ISO 21572:2020 Foodstuffs - Molecular biomarker analysis - Immunochemical methods for the detection and quantification of proteins (ISO 21572:2019)
GOSTR, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- GOST 34551-2019 Сonfectionery. Method for determination of mass fraction of protein
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- 220藥典 三部-2020 Content Determination Method 0731 Protein Content Determination Method
- GB/T 5009.5-1985 Determination method of protein in food
- 242藥典 三部-2020 Content Determination Method 3121 Determination of Human Albumin Polymer
- 215藥典 四部-2015 3100 Content Determination 3121 Determination of Human Albumin Polymer
- 291藥典 三部-2020 Bioassay 3411 Determination of Bovine Serum Albumin Residues
- 203藥典 四部-2020 3100 Content Determination 3121 Determination of Human Albumin Polymer
- 247藥典 四部-2015 3400 Bioassay 3411 Bovine Serum Albumin Residue Determination
- 92藥典 四部-2020 0700 Other Determination Methods 0731 Determination of Protein Content
- 240藥典 四部-2020 3400 Bioassay 3411 Bovine Serum Albumin Residue Determination
- 201藥典 三部-2015 Content Determination Method 0731 General Principles of Protein Content Determination Method 50
- 111藥典 四部-2015 0700 Other Determination Methods 0731 Determination of Protein Content
- 223藥典 三部-2015 Content Determination Method 3121 General Principles of Human Albumin Polymer Determination Method 61
- 263藥典 三部-2020 Determination of Chemical Residues 3208 Determination of Aluminum Residues in Human Serum Albumin
- 209藥典 三部-2010 Appendix VII VIIK Determination of Aluminum Residues in Human Serum Albumin
- 266藥典 三部-2015 Bioassay 3411 General Rules for Determination of Bovine Serum Albumin Residues 111
- 2330藥典 二部-2010 Appendix VII M Determination of protein content
- 219藥典 三部-2010 Appendix Ⅷ ⅧI Determination of Bovine Serum Albumin Residues
- 220藥典 四部-2020 3200 Determination of Chemical Residues 3208 Determination of Aluminum Residues in Human Serum Albumin
- 229藥典 四部-2015 3200 Determination of Chemical Residues 3208 Determination of Aluminum Residues in Human Serum Albumin
VN-TCVN, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- TCVN 3705-1990 Aquatic products.Method for the determination of total nitrogen and protein content
- TCVN 7871-3-2008 Wheat and wheat flour.Gluten content.Part 3: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by an oven drying method
- TCVN 7871-4-2008 Wheat and wheat ftour.Gluten content.Part 4: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying method
- TCVN 5537-1991 Sweetened condensed milk.Determination of total protein content
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- EN ISO 8968-4:2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
- EN ISO 21415-2:2008 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Part 2: Determination of wet gluten by mechanical means
RO-ASRO, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- STAS 21/6-1973 OILSEED RESIDUES Determination of protein of protein brut content
- STAS 2213/17-1976 SWEETS Determination of total proteinic content and milk proteinic substance content
- SR 5546-1997 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- SR ISO 5549:1996 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of protein content (Reference method)
Professional Standard - Hygiene , Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- WS/T 341-2011 Reference method for haemoglobinometry in human blood
- WS 341-2011 Reference method for hemoglobin determination
HU-MSZT, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
NL-NEN, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- NEN 3145-1966 Feeding stuffs. Methodsof analysis. Determination of crude protein
National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Professional Standard - Textile, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- FZ/T 50018-2013 Determination of the protein content of the protein viscose fiber
ZA-SANS, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- SANS 21572:2005 Foodstuffs - Methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Protein based methods
AENOR, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Heilongjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Tianjin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- DB12/T 347-2007 Near-infrared rapid detection method of crude protein content in wheat and corn
國家市場監(jiān)督管理總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- GB/T 41366-2022 Livestock and poultry meat quality testing—Determination of moisture, protein and fat—Near-infrared spectroscopy method
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- T/ZGKSL 009-2023 Test method for determination of collagen secreted from human cells induced by recombinant collagen
- T/TDSTIA 026-2022 Determination of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin in infant formula milk powder—Gel permeation chromatography
農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- NY/T 3608-2020 Method for determination of collagen content in livestock and poultry bones Spectrophotometry
Professional Standard - Light Industry, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- QB/T 4363-2012 Determination of immunoglobulin egg yolk in toothpastes
TN-INNORPI, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Professional Standard - Business, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- SN/T 2545-2010 Testing method of thermal denaturation protein in animal derived food
PT-IPQ, Methods for Quantitative Detection of Proteins
- NP 1986-1991 Milks Determination of protein content. Kjeldahl technique