






Rate Cooler

Rate Cooler, Total:92 items.

In the international standard classification, Rate Cooler involves: On-board equipment and instruments, Laboratory medicine, Petroleum products in general, Aerosol containers, Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity, Mechanical testing, Space systems and operations, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Ergonomics, Radiocommunications, Electronic tubes, Radiation protection, Thermodynamics and temperature measurements, Fluid storage devices, Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements, Testing of metals, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Products of the textile industry, Hydraulic energy engineering, Interface and interconnection equipment, Plastics, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products, Fuels.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Rate Cooler

Professional Standard - Medicine, Rate Cooler

U.S. Air Force, Rate Cooler

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Rate Cooler

  • ASTM D5772-02 Standard Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products (Linear Cooling Rate Method)
  • ASTM E209-18 Standard Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rates and Strain Rates
  • ASTM E209-00(2005) Standard Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rates and Strain Rates
  • ASTM E209-00(2010) Standard Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rates and Strain Rates
  • ASTM D5773-05 Standard Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products (Constant Cooling Rate Method)
  • ASTM D6011-96(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining the Performance of a Sonic Anemometer/Thermometer

Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Rate Cooler

Professional Standard - Aviation, Rate Cooler

  • HB 7746-2004 General specification for indicator of vertical speed,turn and slip
  • HB 5943-1986 General technical conditions for rate gyroscopes

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Rate Cooler

SAE - SAE International, Rate Cooler

  • SAE ARP727-1961 Rate Gyro Assembly Configuration
  • SAE AS414B-1996 Temperature Instruments (Turbine Powered Subsonic Aircraft)
  • SAE AS793A-2001 Total Temperature Measuring Instruments (Turbine Powered Subsonic Aircraft)
  • SAE AS793-1966 Total Temperature Measuring Instruments (Turbine Powered Subsonic Aircraft)

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Rate Cooler

  • CNS 9762-1982 Method of Test for Pressure Drop Rate of Compressed Gas-Propelled Products

工業(yè)和信息化部/國(guó)家能源局, Rate Cooler

SCC, Rate Cooler

Professional Standard - Aerospace, Rate Cooler

  • QJ 1006-1986 General technical conditions for rate gyroscopes
  • QJ 3017-1998 Design specification for single-degree-of-freedom liquid floating rate-integrating gyroscope
  • QJ 1456A-1997 General specification for single-degree-of-freedom liquid floating rate-integrating gyroscope
  • QJ 2675.2-1994 Performance test methods for cryogenic vessels - Outgassing rate test

National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Rate Cooler

  • JJG 878-1994 Verification Regulation of Extrusion Plastometer

Professional Standard - Machinery, Rate Cooler

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Rate Cooler

  • ASHRAE 3859-1995 Temperature and Humidity Control During Cooling and Dehumidifying by Compressor and Evaporator Fan Speed Variation

British Standards Institution (BSI), Rate Cooler

  • BS 2G 111:1955 Specification for rate of climb indicators for aircraft

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Rate Cooler

  • GB/T 23246-2009 Conductivity-temperature-depth profiler
  • GB/T 19146-2010 Infrared devices for instant screening of human skin temperature
  • GB/T 16775-1997 Test methods for leak rate of cryogenic containers
  • GB/T 21440.1-2008 Instrument for dam monitoring.Settlement gauge.Part 1: Hydraulic overflow settlement gauge
  • GB/T 21440.3-2008 Instrument for dam monitoring.Settlement gauge.Part 3:Hydraulic pressure type settlement gauge
  • GB/T 21440.2-2008 Instrument for dam monitoring.Settlement gauge.Part 2:Electromagnetism type settlement gauge

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Rate Cooler

  • T/CAB 0099-2021 Specification of test and evaluation for artificial thermal environment comfort-Part 3: Fast cooling and heating for air conditioner
  • T/SHMHZQ 135-2021 Technical specification for KX111-I short fiber rate rapid tester
  • T/CNTAC 159-2023 Cooling pad and pillow
  • T/CSO 1-2021 In situ comparison method of CTD profiler

ESDU - Engineering Sciences Data Unit, Rate Cooler

  • ESDU 16002-2018 A Practical Guide to Turbulence and Flow Measurement by Thermal Anemometry (CTA)@ Laser-Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Particle-Image Velocimetry (PIV) Part 2: Constant-Temperature Anemometry
  • ESDU 81046 A-1992 Acceleration factors for climb and descent rates at constant EAS@ CAS@ M.

United States Navy, Rate Cooler

Professional Standard - Electron, Rate Cooler

  • SJ 1721-1981 Measurement of frequency temperaturre coefficient of power klystrons
  • SJ 20615.1-1996 Type CS6A-60,gyroscope,piezoelectric,rate detail specification for
  • SJ 381-1973 Measurement of frequency temperature coefficient of reflex klystrons

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Rate Cooler

GM Europe, Rate Cooler

Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, Rate Cooler

  • YB/T 074-2023 Technical conditions of fast digital thermometer for smelting
  • YB/T 074-1995 Specifications for rapid digital thermometers for metallurgy

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Rate Cooler

  • ANSI/ASTM E209:2000 Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rates and Strain Rates

NO-SN, Rate Cooler

  • NS 3656-1993 Concrete testing. Rate of reaction as a function o temperature

未注明發(fā)布機(jī)構(gòu), Rate Cooler

GSO, Rate Cooler

  • GSO ISO 23838:2024 Metallic materials — High strain rate torsion test at room temperature

Professional Standard - Electricity, Rate Cooler

German Institute for Standardization, Rate Cooler

  • DIN 12779:1978 Laboratory glassware; laboratory thermometers, quickly indicating (distillation thermometers)

IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers@ Inc., Rate Cooler

  • IEEE 292-1969 Specification Format for Single- Degree-of-Freedom Spring-Restrained Rate Gyros

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Rate Cooler

  • ITU-T S.10-1989 Transmission at Reduced Character Transfer Rate over a Standardized 50-Baud Telegraph Channel - Telegraph Services Terminal Equipment (Study Group IX) 1 pp

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Rate Cooler

  • ISO 5148:2022 Plastics — Determination of specific aerobic biodegradation rate of solid plastic materials and disappearance time (DT50) under mesophilic laboratory test conditions

GM Daewoo, Rate Cooler

工業(yè)和信息化部, Rate Cooler

  • YS/T 1551-2022 Room temperature high strain rate compression test method for titanium alloys

Professional Standard - Petrochemical Industry, Rate Cooler

  • SH/T 0732-2004 Standard test method for low temperature, low shear rate, viscosity/temperature dependence of lubricating oils using a temperature-scanning technique

  Rate Cooler.


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