DEFire detection
Fire detection, Total:28 items.
In the international standard classification, Fire detection involves: Protection against fire, Construction materials, Vocabularies.
HU-MSZT, Fire detection
- MSZ 5942-1968 Fireproof building material testing. Combustion capacity definition
- MSZ 14800/2.lap-1969 Combustion detection. Fuel "burning degree" detection
- MSZ 14800/1 lap-1967 Combustion detection. Building structure combustion range detection
- MSZ 14800/3-1982 Combustion detection. Detection of "difficult to burn" flammable building materials
- MSZ 14800/5-1988 Combustion detection. Door and interior glass surface burn range detection
- MSZ 14800/9-1985 Fire detection. Detection and Classification of Flame Expansion Power of Combustible Floor Materials
- MSZ 10985/2-1979 Urban natural gas testing. Combustion detection
RO-ASRO, Fire detection
SCC, Fire detection
- BS EN ISO 1716:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products. Determination of the heat of combustion
- BS ISO/TR 10840:1993 Plastics. Burning behaviour. Guidance for development and use of fire tests
- NS-EN ISO 1716:2018 Reaction to fire tests for products — Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) (ISO 1716:2018)
- AENOR UNE-EN ISO 1716:2021 Reaction to fire tests for products - Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) (ISO 1716:2018)
- NS-EN ISO 1716:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products — Determination of the heat of combustion (ISO 1716:2002)
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Fire detection
- UNE-EN ISO 1716:2021 Reaction to fire tests for products - Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) (ISO 1716:2018)
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Fire detection
- UL 10D-2014 Fire Tests of Fire Protective Curtain Assemblies
Lithuanian Standards Office , Fire detection
- LST TS 1958-2011 Reaction to fire tests. Method for determining combustibility characteristics
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Fire detection
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Fire detection
British Standards Institution (BSI), Fire detection
- BS EN ISO 1716:2018 Reaction to fire tests for products. Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)
German Institute for Standardization, Fire detection
- DIN 53438-2:1984 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; edge ignition
GOST, Fire detection
- GOST 22442-2022 Refractory articles for stabilizing gas burner chambers. Specifications
American Welding Society (AWS), Fire detection
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Fire detection
GSO, Fire detection
- DL 435-1991 Explosion-proof regulations for combustion chambers of pulverized coal boilers in thermal power plants
Building Officials and Code Administrators International(U.S.), Fire detection