






pollution ecology

pollution ecology, Total:8 items.

In the international standard classification, pollution ecology involves: Environmental protection, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology.

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, pollution ecology

  • T/CSES 22-2021 Technical guidelines for ecological risk assessment of chemical combined pollution in aquatic environment
  • T/HAEPCI 44-2022 Technical specification for ecological prevention and control of orchards non-point source pollution in southern areas
  • T/CI 035-2023 Technical regulation for mangrove ecological restoration to resist environmental pollution
  • T/HAEPCI 036-2020 Technical specifications for ecological interception and restoration of agricultural non-point source pollution
  • T/CSES 159-2024 Technical guidelines for ecological risk assessment of soil contamination of land for construction

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, pollution ecology

  • HJ/T 19-1997 Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment.Ecological environment of nature resource development

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, pollution ecology

  • GB 17378.7-1998 The specification for marine monitoring. Part 7: Ecological survey of offshore pollution and biological monitoring
  • GB 17378.7-2007 The specification for marine monitoring.Part 7:Ecological survey for offshore pollution and biological monitoring

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