






gas specific gravity

gas specific gravity, Total:8 items.

In the international standard classification, gas specific gravity involves: Products of the chemical industry.

German Institute for Standardization, gas specific gravity

  • DIN 51913:2013-05 Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of density by gas pycnometer (volumetric) using helium as the measuring gas - Solid materials

SCC, gas specific gravity

  • DIN 51913 E:2012 Draft Document - Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of density by gas pycnometer (volumetric) using helium as the measuring gas - Solid materials

GSO, gas specific gravity

  • BH GSO ISO 21687:2016 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium -- Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas -- Solid materials
  • OS GSO ISO 21687:2013 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium -- Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas -- Solid materials

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), gas specific gravity

  • KS M ISO 21687-2021 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium-Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas-Solid materials

RU-GOST R, gas specific gravity

  • GOST R ISO 21687-2014 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas. Solid materials

British Standards Institution (BSI), gas specific gravity

  • BS ISO 21687:2007 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas - Solid materials

Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), gas specific gravity

  • UNE 43-346-1987 Laboratory glass. Alcohol hydrometer without thermometer and alcohol gas hydrometer

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